Side of Software
Wizard Library 1.6

Uses of Interface

Uses of Task in sos.wizard

Classes in sos.wizard that implement Task
 class AbstractTask
          A partial implementation of the Task interface.

Methods in sos.wizard that return Task
 Task ProgressPage.getTask()
          Returns the underlying task to be completed.
 Task DefaultWizardModel.getFinishTask()
          Returns the task to execute when the client "finishes" this model.

Methods in sos.wizard with parameters of type Task
protected  ProgressPage DefaultWizardModel.createProgressPage(java.lang.String name, Task finishTask)
          Creates and returns a progress page with the specified name and task.
 void DefaultWizardModel.setFinishTask(Task finishTask)
          Sets the action to carry out when this model is finished.

Constructors in sos.wizard with parameters of type Task
ProgressPage(java.lang.Object name, Task task)
          Creates a ProgressPage with the specified name and task.
DefaultWizardModel(Page[] pages, Task finishTask, Page summaryPage)
          Creates a DefaultWizardModel with the specified pages and finish task.

Side of Software
Wizard Library 1.6

Copyright 2004-07 Side of Software (SOS). All rights reserved.