Side of Software
Print Preview Library 1.8.1

Uses of Interface

Uses of PrintPreviewSupport.PageableFactory in sos.preview

Methods in sos.preview with parameters of type PrintPreviewSupport.PageableFactory
protected  javax.swing.Action PrintPreviewSupport.createPageSetupAction(PrintPreviewSupport.PageableFactory factory)
          Creates and returns an action that changes the page format.
static javax.swing.JPanel PrintPreviewSupport.createNavigationPanel(PrintPreviewSupport.PageableFactory pageableFactory, boolean showPrintDialog, javax.swing.Action closeAction, boolean largeIcons)
          Creates and returns a component with a print preview pane and a toolbar that allows the user to step through pages one at a time, print the pages, adjust the page setup, and close print preview.
static javax.swing.JPanel PrintPreviewSupport.createZoomPanel(PrintPreviewSupport.PageableFactory pageableFactory, boolean showPrintDialog, int zoomFlavor, javax.swing.Action closeAction, boolean largeIcons)
          Creates and returns a component with a print preview pane and a toolbar that allows the user to zoom in and out of the pages, print the pages, adjust the page setup, and close print preview.
 javax.swing.Action PrintPreviewSupport.getPageSetupAction(PrintPreviewSupport.PageableFactory factory)
          Returns the action that changes the page format using the specified factory.
 javax.swing.JButton PrintPreviewSupport.getPageSetupButton(PrintPreviewSupport.PageableFactory factory)
          Returns the button that changes the page format given the specified factory.

Side of Software
Print Preview Library 1.8.1

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