Side of Software
Dated Collections Library 2.0

Package sos.dated.util

Provides collection classes and interfaces that are based on dates.


Interface Summary
DatedCollection<E,D> A collection of elements over time.
DatedCollections.Action<D> Action to perform on a dated object at a period when it does not change.
DatedList<E,D> A list of elements over time.
DatedMap<K,V,D> A mapping of elements over time.
DatedMap.Entry<K,V,D> An entry in a dated map.
DatedObject<D> An object that maintains its state explicitly over time.
DatedSet<E,D> A set of elements over time.
DatedSortedMap<K,V,D> A dated map whose keys are ordered.
DatedSortedSet<E,D> A dated set whose elements are ordered.
DatedValue<E,D> A value over time.
DateIterator<D> An iterator of ordered, non-overlapping date ranges.
Dates<D> An ordered list of non-overlapping date ranges.
Iterator<E,D> A mechanism to step through and (possibly) alter a dated collection at a given date.
ListIterator<E,D> A forward and reverse mechanism to step through and (possibly) alter a dated list.

Class Summary
AbstractDatedCollection<E,D> A partial implementation of a dated collection.
AbstractDatedList<E,D> A partial implementation of a dated list.
AbstractDatedMap<K,V,D> A partial implementation of a dated map.
AbstractDatedObject<D> A partial implementation of a dated object.
AbstractDatedSet<E,D> A partial implementation of a dated set.
AbstractDatedValue<E,D> A partial implementation of a dated value.
AbstractDates<D> A partial implementation of a series of date ranges.
AbstractMapByDate<K,V,D> A partial implementation of DatedMap that maintains a complete, non-dated map at each date where a change occurs.
AbstractSequentialDatedList<E,D> A partial implementation of a dated list that does not provide random access to its elements at a given date.
Adapters A bridge between dated and non-dated collections.
ArrayListByDate<E,D> An implementation of DatedList that can efficiently iterate through the list of elements at a given date by maintaining a java.util.ArrayList at each date.
ArrayListByElement<E,D> An implementation of DatedList that uses a single java.util.ArrayList to efficiently add and set values.
DatedCollections Views and algorithms that act on dated collections.
HashMapByDate<K,V,D> An implementation of DatedMap that maintains a java.util.HashMap at each date where a change occurs, yielding fast date iterations and fast retrievals.
HashMapByKey<K,V,D> An implementation of DatedMap that indexes its keys with a java.util.HashMap, yielding fast insertions and removals.
HashSetByDate<E,D> An implementation of DatedSet that uses a HashMapByDate as its underlying data structure.
HashSetByElement<E,D> An implementation of DatedSet that uses a HashMapByKey as its underlying data structure.
IdentityHashMapByDate<K,V,D> A special-purpose, non-conforming implementation of DatedMap that uses identity equality and identity hash code by maintaining a java.util.IdentityHashMap at each date.
IdentityHashMapByKey<K,V,D> A special-purpose, non-conforming implementation of DatedMap that uses identity equality and identity hash code.
LinkedHashMapByDate<K,V,D> An implementation of DatedMap that maintains a java.util.LinkedHashMap at each date where a change occurs, yielding fast date iterations, fast retrievals, and predictable entry iterations.
LinkedHashSetByDate<E,D> An implementation of DatedSet that uses a LinkedHashMapByDate as its underlying data structure.
TreeDates<D> An implementation of Dates that uses a Red-Black tree to achieve logarithmic insertions and deletions.
TreeMapByDate<K,V,D> An implementation of DatedSortedMap that maintains a java.util.TreeMap at each date where a change occurs, yielding fast date iterations and logarithmic retrievals.
TreeMapByKey<K,V,D> An implementation of DatedSortedMap that uses an underlying TreeMap to keep all keys in sorted order and to achieve fast access to all keys.
TreeSetByDate<E,D> An implementation of DatedSet that uses a TreeMapByDate as its underlying data structure.
TreeSetByElement<E,D> An implementation of DatedSet that uses a TreeMapByKey as its underlying data structure to keep its elements in sorted order and to provide fast indexing to elements.
ValueByDate<E,D> An implementation of DatedValue that can efficiently produce the value at a given date.

Exception Summary
DateOutOfRangeException Indication that a date unexpectedly falls outside a range.

Package sos.dated.util Description

Provides collection classes and interfaces that are based on dates. The intent of this package is to add dates to the interface of the collection classes in java.util.

Dates allow the programmer to maintain the history (or future) of a value. In real life, most values are dependent on time. Consider the price of a share of stock. At 10:00 am the price may be $4.00, but at 2:00 pm it may be $4.50. Simply having the assignment price = 4.5 loses the fact that it was 4.0 at 10 am. This package introduces DatedValue, which maintains a value over time.

The Collections Library of java.util does not deal with dates. Suppose a company has a set of customers. The members of this set change over time. Simply using a java.util.Set object to maintain the customer base ignores when people are customers, making it impossible without additional information to know the customers of, say, last year. For example, consider a program that initially executes

  Set<Person> customers = new TreeSet<Person>();

On April 17, 2002, the program executes:

  customers.add( personF );     // person F is now a customer
  customers.remove( personB );  // person B is no longer a customer

On October 7, 2002, it executes:

  customers.add( personC );     // person C is now a customer

Generating a report that lists the customers on September 30, 2002, is not possible unless the program has maintained the changes in its own data structures. The Set customers contains person C, who was not a customer on September 30 and hence should not be included in the report. Similarly, a report for February 3, 2002, should include person B but not person C.

With the Dated Collections package, it is easy to maintain the history of values and collections because the dates are maintained in the data structures. This example becomes:

  DatedSet<Person,Date> customers = new TreeSetByElement<Person,Date>();
  Date endOfTime = new Date( Long.MAX_VALUE );

On April 17, 2002, the program executes:

  Date now = new Date();
  customers.add( personF, now, endOfTime );    // person F is a customer starting now to the end of time
  customers.remove( personB, now, endOfTime ); // person B is not a customer starting now to the end of time

On October 7, 2002, it executes:

  Date now = new Date();
  customers.add( personC, now, endOfTime );  // person C is a customer starting now to the end of time

The interface to the dated collections in this package requires dates that indicate when the operation should be applied. Thus, adding and removing a customer requires a start date and an end date. Determining who is a customer on September 30 is as simple as passing the date to the query operation:

  Date sept30 = ...
  Iterator<Person,Date> iter = customers.iterator( sept30 );

Building dates into the core data structures not only relieves the client from having to maintain a history of values but also allows the data structures to use efficient storage and implementation.

Similarities Between This Package and java.util

This package is intentionally designed to mirror java.util. Programmers who are familiar with the Collections Library can easily learn and use this Dated Collections Library. They do not have to learn an entirely new API. Some of the similarities are outlined here.

The following table shows the similarities between class names.

Collections (java.util)

Dated Collections (sos.dated.util)

























Differences Between This Package and java.util

Because of the addition of time, there are some fundamental differences between Collections and Dated Collections:

Implementation Choices

This package provides two implementation choices for most data structures.

  1. Indexed by Date. With this implementation the entire collection is maintained at each date that a change occurs. A class that uses this implementation has a name that ends with “ByDate.”

Advantage: Easy to determine when a collection changes because a distinct non-dated collection is maintained at each date

Disadvantage: Potentially uses a lot of space

When to use: If nearly the entire collection changes at the same time or if the size is small and knowing the dates needs to be fast.

  1. Indexed by Content. With this implementation the content is mapped to dates, indicating when it appears in the collection. A class that follows this implementation has a name that ends with “ByElement” if it is a set or list or “ByKey” if it is a map.

Advantage: Potentially much lower space usage than above.

Disadvantage: Usually difficult to determine change dates.

When to use: If the collection is large and changes frequently.

The following table shows the implementation choices and how they match up with the Collections implementation choices.

Collections (java.util)

Dated Collections (sos.dated.util)

By Date

By Content





























Side of Software
Dated Collections Library 2.0

Copyright 2003-09 Side of Software (SOS). All rights reserved.