Side of Software
Dated Collections Library 2.0

Uses of Interface

Uses of DatedCollection in sos.dated.util

Subinterfaces of DatedCollection in sos.dated.util
 interface DatedList<E,D>
          A list of elements over time.
 interface DatedSet<E,D>
          A set of elements over time.
 interface DatedSortedSet<E,D>
          A dated set whose elements are ordered.

Classes in sos.dated.util that implement DatedCollection
 class AbstractDatedCollection<E,D>
          A partial implementation of a dated collection.
 class AbstractDatedList<E,D>
          A partial implementation of a dated list.
 class AbstractDatedSet<E,D>
          A partial implementation of a dated set.
 class AbstractSequentialDatedList<E,D>
          A partial implementation of a dated list that does not provide random access to its elements at a given date.
 class ArrayListByDate<E,D>
          An implementation of DatedList that can efficiently iterate through the list of elements at a given date by maintaining a java.util.ArrayList at each date.
 class ArrayListByElement<E,D>
          An implementation of DatedList that uses a single java.util.ArrayList to efficiently add and set values.
 class HashSetByDate<E,D>
          An implementation of DatedSet that uses a HashMapByDate as its underlying data structure.
 class HashSetByElement<E,D>
          An implementation of DatedSet that uses a HashMapByKey as its underlying data structure.
 class LinkedHashSetByDate<E,D>
          An implementation of DatedSet that uses a LinkedHashMapByDate as its underlying data structure.
 class TreeSetByDate<E,D>
          An implementation of DatedSet that uses a TreeMapByDate as its underlying data structure.
 class TreeSetByElement<E,D>
          An implementation of DatedSet that uses a TreeMapByKey as its underlying data structure to keep its elements in sorted order and to provide fast indexing to elements.

Methods in sos.dated.util that return DatedCollection
<E,D> DatedCollection<E,D>
Adapters.asDatedCollection(java.util.Collection<E> collection, D from, D to)
          Treats a non-dated collection as a dated collection between the specified dates.
<E,D> DatedCollection<E,D>
DatedCollections.checkedDatedCollection(DatedCollection<E,D> datedCollection, java.lang.Class<E> type)
          Wraps a dated collection with one that requires elements to be of a given type.
<E,D> DatedCollection<E,D>
DatedCollections.synchronizedDatedCollection(DatedCollection<E,D> datedCollection)
          Returns a synchronized, or thread-safe, view of a dated collection.
<E,D> DatedCollection<E,D>
DatedCollections.unmodifiableDatedCollection(DatedCollection<? extends E,D> datedCollection)
          Returns an unmodifiable view of a dated collection.
 DatedCollection<V,D> AbstractDatedMap.values()
          Returns a view of the values mapped to keys in this dated map.
 DatedCollection<V,D> DatedMap.values()
          Returns a view of the values mapped to keys in this dated map.

Methods in sos.dated.util with parameters of type DatedCollection
 Dates<D> AbstractDatedCollection.addAll(DatedCollection<? extends E,D> datedCollection)
          Adds a dated collection of elements to this dated collection (optional operation).
 Dates<D> DatedCollection.addAll(DatedCollection<? extends E,D> datedCollection)
          Adds a dated collection of elements to this dated collection (optional operation).
<E,D> Dates<D>
DatedCollections.addAll(DatedCollection<? super E,D> datedCollection, D from, D to, E... elements)
          Adds the specified elements to a dated collection for a given date range.
 Dates<D> AbstractDatedList.addAll(int index, DatedCollection<? extends E,D> datedCollection)
          Inserts an entire dated collection into this dated list at the specified index (optional operation).
 Dates<D> DatedList.addAll(int index, DatedCollection<? extends E,D> datedCollection)
          Inserts an entire dated collection into this dated list at the specified index (optional operation).
<E,D> java.util.Collection<E>
Adapters.asCollection(DatedCollection<E,D> datedCollection, D at)
          Returns an unmodifiable non-dated version of the specified dated collection at the specified date.
<E,D> java.util.Collection<E>
Adapters.asCollection(DatedCollection<E,D> datedCollection, D from, D to)
          Returns a modifiable non-dated version of the specified dated collection for the specified date range.
<E,D> DatedCollection<E,D>
DatedCollections.checkedDatedCollection(DatedCollection<E,D> datedCollection, java.lang.Class<E> type)
          Wraps a dated collection with one that requires elements to be of a given type.
 boolean AbstractDatedCollection.containsAll(DatedCollection<?,D> datedCollection)
          Returns true if this dated collection contains all elements of the specified collection.
 boolean DatedCollection.containsAll(DatedCollection<?,D> datedCollection)
          Returns true if this dated collection contains all elements of the specified collection.
<D> boolean
DatedCollections.disjoint(DatedCollection<?,D> datedCollection1, DatedCollection<?,D> datedCollection2, D at)
          Returns true if the two specified dated collections have no elements in common at the given date.
<D> boolean
DatedCollections.disjoint(DatedCollection<?,D> datedCollection1, DatedCollection<?,D> datedCollection2, D at)
          Returns true if the two specified dated collections have no elements in common at the given date.
<D> int
DatedCollections.frequency(DatedCollection<?,D> datedCollection, java.lang.Object object, D at)
          Returns the number of occurrences of an object in the specified dated collection at a given date.
<E,D> E
DatedCollections.max(DatedCollection<E,D> datedCollection, java.util.Comparator<? super E> comparator, D at)
          Returns the maximum value in the specified dated collection at the specified date, according to the specified comparator.
<E,D> E
DatedCollections.max(DatedCollection<E,D> datedCollection, D at)
          Returns the maximum value (according to the natural ordering) in the specified dated collection at the specified date.
<E,D> E
DatedCollections.min(DatedCollection<E,D> datedCollection, java.util.Comparator<? super E> comparator, D at)
          Returns the maximum value in the specified dated collection at the specified date, according to the specified comparator.
<E,D> E
DatedCollections.min(DatedCollection<E,D> datedCollection, D at)
          Returns the minimum value (according to the natural ordering) in the specified dated collection at the specified date.
 Dates<D> AbstractDatedCollection.removeAll(DatedCollection<?,D> datedCollection)
          Removes the elements in this dated collection that are contained in the specified dated collection (optional operation).
 Dates<D> DatedCollection.removeAll(DatedCollection<?,D> datedCollection)
          Removes the elements in this dated collection that are contained in the specified dated collection (optional operation).
 Dates<D> AbstractDatedCollection.retainAll(DatedCollection<?,D> datedCollection)
          Retains in this dated collection only the elements in the specified dated collection (optional operation).
 Dates<D> DatedCollection.retainAll(DatedCollection<?,D> datedCollection)
          Retains in this dated collection only the elements in the specified dated collection (optional operation).
<E,D> DatedCollection<E,D>
DatedCollections.synchronizedDatedCollection(DatedCollection<E,D> datedCollection)
          Returns a synchronized, or thread-safe, view of a dated collection.
<E,D> DatedCollection<E,D>
DatedCollections.unmodifiableDatedCollection(DatedCollection<? extends E,D> datedCollection)
          Returns an unmodifiable view of a dated collection.

Constructors in sos.dated.util with parameters of type DatedCollection
ArrayListByDate(DatedCollection<? extends E,D> datedCollection)
          Creates an ArrayListByDate initialized with the elements of datedCollection.
ArrayListByElement(DatedCollection<? extends E,D> datedCollection)
          Creates an ArrayListByElement initially containing the elements and date ranges of the specified by datedCollection.
HashSetByDate(DatedCollection<? extends E,D> datedCollection)
          Creates an instance of HashSetByDate initialized with the elements and dates of the specified dated collection.
HashSetByElement(DatedCollection<? extends E,D> datedCollection)
          Creates a new instance of HashSetByElement initialized with the elements and dates of the specified dated collection.
LinkedHashSetByDate(DatedCollection<? extends E,D> datedCollection)
          Creates an insertion-ordered LinkedHashSetByDate initialized with the elements and dates of the specified dated collection.
TreeSetByDate(DatedCollection<? extends E,D> datedCollection)
          Creates a TreeSetByDate containing the elements and date ranges of the specified dated collection, sorted by the elements' natural ordering.
TreeSetByElement(DatedCollection<? extends E,D> datedCollection)
          Creates a TreeSetByElement containing the elements and date ranges of the specified dated collection, sorted by the elements' natural ordering.

Side of Software
Dated Collections Library 2.0

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